To start managing your team, click the gear icon in the top-right corner. This menu allows Administrators to open the Manage Team screen. In this option, administrators can manage user invitations, remove users, revoke invitations, and other actions described in this section.

On the team management screen, you can see a list of all the users who are part of your team showing information like Name, Email, Role, and more options [...].

Based on the role and the status, the available options may differ, check the scenarios below:

Users who have not accepted the invitation

  • Users who have not accepted the invitation to join a workspace remain under the Invited label, and administrators can Resend or Revoke the Invitation.

Users with a User Role

  • If a user has a User role, click the [...] to Assign as admin or Remove User

Users with an Admin Role

  • If a user has an Admin role, click the [...] to Revoke Admin or Remove User

Summary of Subscription Status

Above the list of users, you can find the summary of how many seats you purchased, used, and remaining.

Inviting New Users 

On the top right corner, you can easily invite new users to your workspace by entering the User Email, selecting the role you want to assign the user (User or Admin), and clicking Invite.

  • No labels