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Learn how to manage your organization’s instance and the users given the workflows possible with the Admin role.

Access & Navigation

Once you are provisioned with the Admin role (the initial assignment for at least 1 user is handled by our team, so please reach out to your account manager), you will be able to navigate to the portal using the link in the DesignWise home screen, under your account dropdown:

You will land on the User Management dashboard:

You can navigate back to the main working space by clicking the Xray Enteprise logo in the top left or selecting "Return to Xray Enterprise Designer" from the account name dropdown.

On the landing page, you can see the following elements:

  1. “Users” dropdown contains 2 options –
    1. “User Management” (aka the landing screen itself) showcases the activity statistics both at the instance and at the individual levels.
    2. “Invite User” allows you to manually add users one-by-one to your organization, without the need for them to sign up. This can also be accomplished by the green button on the right side.
  2. “Customize” includes the “Export Fields” feature which allows you to determine the fields & formats of the export options like Xray, Zephyr, ALM, etc.
  3. Organization details displays the license information, where you can edit only the approved domains, and the summary of users by period.
  4. Statistics Table reflects the name and the email associated with the account, dates of creation and last login, cumulative usage metrics, and the allowed actions (for users other than yourself) – Enable/Disable and Make/Remove Organization Admin. You can filter the table by either Name or Email or both. You can sort it by any column other than Actions.

Side note: “computations” stands for the number of Scenario clicks that resulted in the “fresh” generation, not the retrieval of cached ones.

Workflow #1: Manage User Authentication Settings

From the Organization Settings, the highlighted link allows you to select the authentication method between 3 options: email & password, Jira OAuth for Cloud, and for Server/Data Center.


  1. The first option enables the “traditional” approach where a user would define their password specific to the DesignWise instance and log in each time by providing the email ID and that password. This is the “status quo” authentication flow in DesignWise.

  2. The second option requires you to use Jira Cloud. Please reach out to your account manager to get access to the “TBD APP NAME” authentication app.

Once you have that app in your Jira configuration and select the dropdown option in DesignWise, the dialog provides the specific login URL for you to copy. It can be passed to the Xray support team and implemented inside Xray menu configuration settings. If you are not using Xray, that login URL can just be shared with users as a bookmark instead of the standard DesignWise link.

Using the organization information from that URL, DesignWise skips the ask for email and redirects the user to the right Jira location for OAuth authorization; the user is authenticated through OAuth and never has or provides a DesignWise password.

Reference for option 2.

  1. The third option requires you to use Jira Server or Jira Data Center. The dialog asks you to provide Server URL, Client ID, and Client Secret.


Server URL represents the base address of your server, which can be taken from opening Jira Software in your browser.

ID and Secret are retrieved from the settings of the incoming application link. You will need to establish it using these steps (ignore “Before you begin” section, start from “Create an incoming link”), the DesignWise dialog provides the callback URL you will utilize.


Once the setup is complete, when a user leverages specific OAuth login URL, DesignWise again skips the ask for email and redirects the user to the right Jira location for OAuth authorization; the user is authenticated through OAuth and never has or provides a DesignWise password.

Reference for option 3

If you are interested in SAML authentication (via Octa, Active Directory, etc.), please reach out to your account manager for potential custom implementation. 

Workflow #2: Manage User Permissions

There are two permission levels - “Edit” and “Read-only”. They have separate limits from the licensing standpoint, which can be seen in the organization settings:


The following rules apply when dealing with the seat limit:

  • New self-registered users default to the “Edit” level if the seats are available and to “Read-only” otherwise.

  • When a customer admin tries to register an edit-level user while the number of edit-level seats for the organization has been exhausted, the red tooltip will display and clicking “Register User” will require confirmation for “Read Only” switch:


  • If the number of seats of either type reduces over time, the DesignWise admin will work with you to re-allocate user permissions accordingly.
  • Blocked users do not count towards seat limits.

Within license limits, you can set the permission level per user or for the whole organization using this checkbox column:


The limitations of the “Read-only” role:

  • Option to create a new plan and export an existing one will be shown but disabled. Users will get a warning when trying to access them.

  • Parameters, Rules, Scripts will be available for review only and disabled for editing.
  • Scenarios will be available for review for any pre-calculated strength but disabled for generating a new set.

  • Commenting options (Notes) will be available and fully functional.
  • Sharing options will be disabled. From the perspective of inviting a read-only user to the project, they cannot be promoted to “edit” at the project level.

Side note: If a user is at the “edit” organizational level, they can stay at the “edit” project level or be demoted to “copy & comment”, without affecting their organizational status.

Workflow #3: Manage Users & Domains

From the Actions column in the table, the highlighted link allows you to designate someone else as the Admin (in which case they can perform all the same workflows described in this article) or revoke such privileges.


Note: the option becomes available only for enabled & verified users, which is why you do not see it in rows 3 (non-verified) or 4 (disabled).

The second link is for disabling users – either for the reason of license seat limitations or them leaving the company or any other. You can choose to enable those users later – they will keep all their assets intact.


For quicker differentiation, the disabled users will be highlighted in red, the admin ones – in purple, and the regular ones will have the white background.

Lastly, you can edit the email domains associated with the access to your organization:


The field expects the comma-separated list, with the part after the “@” symbol without including it.

Workflow #4: Invite User

Leveraging either of the options described in 1b for the User Management dashboard above leads to this dialog:

It is intended for sending a direct link to a single person with the email domain matching the list defined for your organization. The invitee will not need to follow the standard sign-up route, using the link and the brief instructions from the email instead.

Workflow #5: Manage Export Configurations

From the “Customize” dialog in the top left of the landing page, first, you would define the list of available options:

At this step, you just need to decide on the configuration name and the target export framework. You can update the default options to match your needs, but we generally recommend keeping them as-is for reference purposes.

You can have multiple configurations for the same target export if, e.g., teams have diverse options for relevant metadata columns.

Then, for a given configuration, you would define the list of fields, their format, and potential values:

There are 3 field types available:

  • “Populated automatically” – depending on your scripting in DesignWise (Manual or Automate), certain core elements like Step Description or Gherkin Scenario Steps will be pulled from the source and will not be editable in the export dialog itself.
    • “Alternate Name” allows changing the displayed column name after export, which can make the mapping setup for test management tools easier.
    • “Naming Convention” and “Example” for the Test Name can provide the template tooltip for syntax rules.
  • Text – fairly standard string field that can be left blank or specified with the default value.
  • Dropdown – can handle the single selection with the options separated by commas (you can refer to the tooltips in the 4th column header for syntax guidance).

Script Type dropdown at the top allows to select whether this configuration can apply only to Manual Auto-scripts, only to Automate, or to both.

Each field can be made mandatory or optional using the second column with the checkboxes (this will not affect the export of fields populated automatically). Finally, you can reorder fields using the indices in the first column.

Keep in mind that you need to click “Update” for any adjustments to take effect.

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