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Importing Cucumber Tests

The following endpoint is provided to import a Cucumber .feature file or a zip file containing multiple .feature files. The files in the zip file may be in folders/subfolders.

Cucumber ".feature" file/rest/raven/1.0/import/feature

Each .feature file will be processed as follows.


  1. try to find the Test by key (in that project), if found then update it; else...
  2. try to find the Test having both
    1. a label with the original relative path of .feature (e.g. "core/sample_addition.feature)
    2. a label named "id:xxx", where xxx is some number (e.g. "id:1", "id:32"); this label comes from a scenario/scenario outline's tag
  3. try to find the Test having both
    1. a label with the original relative path of .feature (e.g. "core/sample_addition.feature)
    2. the same summary
  4. try to find the Test by summary (in that project), if found then update it; else...
  5. create Test in that project and add a label with the relative path of the feature, and another label corresponding to a tag "id:xxx" (if it exists)


  1. try to find the Pre-Condition by key (in that project), if found then update it; else...
  2. try to find the Pre-Condition having both
    1. a label with the original relative path of .feature (e.g. "core/sample_addition.feature)
  3. try to find the Pre-Condition by summary (in that project), if found then update it; else...
  4. create Pre-Condition in that project and add a label with the relative path of the feature

The mapping from the Scenario/Scenario Outline present in the .feature files to the Test issues in Jira would be as follows:

Scenario/Scenario OutlineTest in JIRA
name of the Scenario/Scenario Outline"Summary" field
steps"Scenario" field
tags of the Scenario/Scenario Outlinelabels

The "Feature" section is not imported since the feature itself should exist previously as a Jira requirement issue (e.g., story).

The exception is the tags before the "Feature: " section; if a requirement issue is found for the specified key, then a "Tests" link is created between the Test and the requirement issue.

If the Cucumber feature has a background, a Pre-Condition issue will be created, if the issue key in the tag does not exist in JIRA, or updated, containing the information provided in that background.

If the background has no name, then the Summary of the Pre-Condition is going to be a string containing the keys of the Tests of that Cucumber feature (e.g. "Background for: CALC-1, CALC-2").

Below is an example of a .feature file containing a Scenario Outline and two Pre Conditions:

Feature: As a user, I can calculate the sum of 2 numbers     
		Given that the calculator is configurated
		Then turn on the calculator
		And set the mode to advanced
		Given that the calculator is configurated
		Turn on the basic mode

	@UI @core
	Scenario Outline: Cucumber Test As a user, I can calculate the sum of 2 numbers
		Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
		And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
		When I press <button>
		Then the result should be <output> on the screen
		    | input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
		    | 20      | 30      | add    | 50     |
		    | 2       | 5       | add    | 7      |
		    | 0       | 40      | add    | 40     | 
		    | 4       | 50      | add    | 54     |

In this other example, more typical 

Feature: As a user, I can calculate the sum of two numbers

  Given I have a calculator
  And I have some fingers

@id:1 @fast
Scenario Outline: Cucumber Test As a user, I can calculate the sum of two positive numbers
  Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
  And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
  When I press <button>
  Then the result should be <output> on the screen

| input_1 	| input_2 	| button| output|
| 20  		| 30 		| add	| 50 	|
| 2  		| 5  		| add 	| 7  	|
| 0  		| 40 		| add 	| 40 	| 
| 4  		| 50 		| add 	| 54 	| 
| 5  		| 50 		| add 	| 55 	| 




key of the project where the tests and pre-conditions are going to be created.


"file" : a MultipartFormParam containing a ".feature" file or a ZIP file to import.

Example Request

curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@1.feature" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/feature?projectKey=DEMO

curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/feature?projectKey=DEMO


200 OK : application/octet-stream : Successful. The cucumber features where successfully imported to Jira.

Example Output

400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.

401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.

500  INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when generating the feature file(s).

  • No labels