From a Test Set, it's possible to export the following Xray data: Tests.

Given that the Test Set behaves like a regular Jira issue, you can also export any other Jira field.

Some general mappings we can export from a Test Set
Key: ${Key}
Description: ${Description}

#Overall Execution Status (percentage + total of testes per status)
TO DO: ${Overall Execution Status.TO DO.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.TO DO.Count}
EXECUTING: ${Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING.Count}
PASSED: ${Overall Execution Status.PASSED.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.PASSED.Count}
FAILED: ${Overall Execution Status.FAILED.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.FAILED.Count}
ABORTED: ${Overall Execution Status.ABORTED.Percentage}% - ${Overall Execution Status.ABORTED.Count}

Exporting Tests from a Test Set

Below you can find an example on how to iterate over the list of Tests associated with a Test Set.

Iterate over Tests
Total number of associated tests: ${TestsCount}

// Iterating each test
#{for tests}
	Key: ${Tests[n].Key}
	Test Status: ${Tests[n].TestStatus}
	// Iterating over test steps for each test
	#{for m=Tests[n].TestStepsCount}
		Action: ${Tests[n].TestSteps[m].Action}
		Data: ${Tests[n].TestSteps[m].Data}
        Expected Result: ${Tests[n].TestSteps[m].ExpectedResult}
// Iterating each test
#{for j=TestsCount}
	Key: ${Tests[j].Key}
	Test Status: ${Tests[j].TestStatus}
	// Iterating over test steps for each test
	#{for m=Tests[j].TestStepsCount}
		Action: ${Tests[j].TestSteps[m].Action}
		Data: ${Tests[j].TestSteps[m].Data}
		Expected Result: ${Tests[j].TestSteps[m].ExpectedResult}

For more detailed information on how to export Tests and its information please check the page Exporting Test.

The word document below shows an example with all the mappings available to export from a Test Set:


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