
Currently for next-gen projects, the project administrator must create the Xray issue types manually and then map these issue types with Xray entities.

Not all Xray issue types are required. In fact, you can even just use a next-gen project for Requirements (Epics, Stories), without creating any of the Xray issue types. On the other hand, if you need to have Xray testing entities in a next-gen project, please follow the steps bellow to create the Xray issue types:

Issue Types

You must navigate to your project configuration page and create the necessary issue types to map later to Xray entities. The possible issue types are:

  • Test
  • Precondition
  • Test Set
  • Test Plan
  • Test Execution

You can download Issue Types icons at documentation

Configuring the Issue Types as "Xray Issue Types"

The next step is to map the issue types created in the first step with Xray entities. You can do that by accessing the Xray "Next-Gen Configuration" settings page and selecting the corresponding issue types:

Now you should be able to start creating Xray entities within your next-gen project. These issue types will behave exactly like the global Xray issue types that are installed by Xray.

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