
Although the last run of a Test was passed, the Requirement Status of the linked issue is not taking the latest execution result:

Possible Causes

Xray has a Tool called Final statuses have precedence over non-final statuses; when it is Unchecked, the Latest Test Run Status Calculation will always consider the Latest Created Test Run.

Now, a Test Run is only created when a Test is associated with a Test Execution.
In the provided example, the Test Execution with the key 680[PASS] was created after 669[FAIL], but the Test Execution 680[PASS] was associated with the Test before the 669[FAIL], so the latest Test Run is from 669[FAIL].

The mentioned option is in Jira Administration → Manage apps → Xray -> Manage Test Statuses:

Link for related documentation

Final statuses have precedence over non-final statuses