After completing the subscription to Xray Exploratory App, you are redirected to your workspace in the web console. To begin with your team workspace setup, the Set Up Your Team's Workspace wizard opens.

All users have a personal workspace regardless of whether they are subscribed to a paid or a free plan. The following steps apply only to paid accounts (provided free of charge during Trial time). 

  1. Click Let's Get Started to continue.
  2. In the Workspace step, enter a name for your Team Workspace. 

    Remember that you cannot change the name of your workspace once the setup is completed.

  3. In the Invite Users step, invite your team members (this step can be skipped).

4. Next, Download the App. The app is available for Windows and Mac. If your operating system is Mac, click the drop-down to select between Mac with Intel chip or Mac with Apple chip.

5. After clicking Finish and Close, you can start navigating in the Web Console. 

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