03 March 2015

The Xray for JIRA team announces the release of Xray 1.8.0. This point release contains several new features and bug fixes.

Highlights for this release

Support direct import of Cucumber JSON reports

Xray add-on now supports importing external Cucumber execution results using the JSON format report

Xamarin Test Cloud and Calabash support

If your using Xamarin Test Cloud for executing Cucumber mobile Tests in different combinations of mobile devices and operating systems, you can directly import the results to JIRA using the compressed file outputted by the Test Cloud platform.

Support form Multiple Execution Results on a Test Run

Xray now provides the ability to import multiple execution results for a single automated Test Run. These results often indicate different context/environments where the same Test must be executed. Xray will group all executions of the same Test in a single Test Run and present all execution information, including it's different contexts in the Execution page. 



New Features and Bug Fixes in this release


T Key Summary P Status Resolution

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