Upgrade Notes
Upgrading Xray to 5
Downgrading from Xray 5
Release highlights
Parameterized tests 
Test parameterization is a powerful practice that allows the same test to be executed multiple times with different parameters. Parameters are similar to input values (variables) that can change with each execution.
Parameterized tests in Xray are defined just like any other test with the addition of some parameter names within the specification using the following notation: ${PARAMETER_NAME}. This notation is used to reference parameters within the test steps.
Precondition issues can also be parameterized by including parameter names in the precondition specification.
The parameters, along with their values, are defined within a dataset. A dataset is a collection of data represented with a tabular view where every column of the table represents a particular variable (or parameter), and each row corresponds to a given record (or iteration) of the dataset. The number of rows in the dataset determines the number of iterations to execute.
A dataset can be defined in the following entities/scopes:
- Test (default dataset)
- Test Plan - Test
- Test Execution - Test (Test Run)
The closest dataset to the test run will be the one used to generate the iterations, effectively overriding any dataset defined in higher levels.
All iterations for a given test are executed within the context of the same test run. Each iteration can be expanded, and the steps executed individually. The step parameters will be replaced by the corresponding iteration values. The steps affect the iteration status, which in turn affects the overall test run status.
Learn more here.
Group defects and evidence on the execution screen
It is now possible to aggregate all defects and evidence on the overall top panel within the execution screen. This way, both the global defects and the defects associated with steps will be shown on the same panel, making it easier to view all the defects created during execution. The same is also true for evidence.
This feature is optional and you can disable it within the execution screen.
Find out more about this feature here.
Search Test Steps
Searching for text within Test Steps of a manual Test case is now easier with the addition of a dedicated search field.
The browser search might not be a good solution because not all the steps are loaded at a given time due to performance reasons. Also, the steps might be collapsed.
Therefore, we have now included this search field that allows you to search within all Test Steps. This includes all Xray native fields (e.g. Action, Data, Expected Result) and also Test Step custom fields.
Learn more here.
Support for Robot Framework 4.0
Robot Framework 4.0 is a new major release with a lot of big new features such as the SKIP status and native IF/ELSE support as well as enhancements to type conversion and Libdoc.
These changes have not been possible without breaking backward compatibility in some cases.
Xray now supports the new Robot Framework 4.0 report format.
Find out more about this feature here.
And more...
Document Generator
- XRAY-6659: Xray Test Repository - Make the "Doc Gen" option available in the "All" and "Orphans" views
- XRAY-6623: When disabling the Document Generator, the option in Xray Settings should disappear too
- XRAY-7022: Add the possibility of defining if tests from a sub-folder must be exported using Doc. Generator on Test Plan board
- XRAY-7019: Add the possibility of defining if tests from a sub-folder must be exported using Doc. Generator on Test Repository board
- XRAY-7193: As a Jira admin, I should be able to enable/disable Doc Gen at the project level
- XRAY-7618: As a user, I should be able to use Doc Gen on Agile Boards
- XRAY-7024: Provide a mapping to print the folder name which the test belongs to when the test is being exported from the Test Plan or Test Repository board
Just one more, yet important, thing...
Documentation is always important and sometimes you may miss it. We added a set of relevant articles to our already extensive documentation.
In this release, you may find new articles to facilitate integration with well-known CI/CD tools, including Travis CI and GitHub. We added also tutorials for Playwright, Cypress, WebdriverIO with corresponding open-source repositories, so you can easily try out these frameworks and integrate with Xray to have visibility of test automation results. You may find the code for these tutorials, and more, in our GitHub account. Check them out and let us know your feedback
A new section was created for Model-Based testing along with some tutorials.
Here's a summary of all the relevant articles that we've added and updated recently:
- Tutorials with automation tools & frameworks
- Integration with Travis CI
- Integration with Ranorex
- Integration with GitHub
- Testing web applications using Playwright
- Testing using Cypress and Cucumber in JavaScript
- Testing Node.js apps using Cucumber.js in JavaScript
- Testing web applications using Mocha and WebdriverIO
- Testing using WebDriverIO and Cucumber in JavaScript
- TTT: Model-Based Testing
- TTT: API Testing
- Integration with other Jira apps
- Integration with Automation for Jira (added examples for implementing automation rules in different ecosystems and CI/CD tools, including Azure DevOps, Travis CI, etc)
- Integrations from the community
- Integrations from the community and other products (included a GitHub Action to interact with Xray, from within GitHub)
All New Features and Bug Fixes in this release