20 July 2018

The Xray team announces the bug fix release of Xray for Jira Jenkins Plugin v1.3.0.

Download it here.

 Highlights for this release

Support for Maven, Multi-Configuration and Pipelines projects

Now you may use Xray for Jira Jenkins Plugin in Maven projects and also on multi-configuration projects. Support for Pipelines is also available.

Support for TestNG endpoints

Now you may submit TestNG XML reports, using the standard REST API endpoint or the multipart one; the later allows customization of the Test Execution related fields.

Import multiple files at the same time

For some of the available formats, now you may submit several reports files based on a regular expression like syntax. This eases the task of submitting, for example, several JUnit XML reports in one request, even without knowing the exact path of the report file. This feature is not available for multipart base endpoints.

See which endpoints support this capability here: XRAYJENKINS-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

Bug Fixes and clearer visibility of submission results

In this version, several little yet annoying bugs were fixed, including an error message appearing in Xray tasks.

We also added the response of Xray's REST API, so you can see exactly what happened with your request and if a Test Execution has been created/updated and the respective issue key. This will simplify the analysis of your job results.

New Features and Bug Fixes in this release


Key Summary T Created P Status Resolution

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