Cucumber .feature files can be exported from Xray and executed externally. They can be generated from the following Xray issues:
- Test
- Test Set
- Test Execution
- Test Plan
Or, from an Issue mapped as a Requirement issue type.
If the language defined to export the cucumber .feature files is not the default (i.e., En), then a language tag will be added.
Xray generates Cucumber .feature files according to the context issue and the following rules:
- A single Cucumber feature file is generated for each requirement associated with this Test.
- The feature contains the feature header description of the associated requirement, if present.
- The feature contains the background of the Test, if present in the Pre-Condition associated with it.
- The feature contains the Scenario/Scenario Outline defined in this Test.
Test Set, Test Execution, Test Plan or Requirement issue:
- A single Cucumber feature file is generated for each different tuple (Requirement, Pre-Condition).
- A Test Execution does not contain repeated tests.
- If a Test is not associated with a requirement, then it will be exported as an independent feature file.
- If a Test is associated with more than one requirement, then a feature file will be generated for each requirement. The generated .feature files will contain repeated test scenarios.
- The feature contains the feature header description of the associated requirement, if present.
- The feature contains the common background of the Tests, if present in the Pre-Condition.
- The feature contains the Scenario/Scenario Outline for all the tests.
Feature File Format
[ #language: { language } ] [ @{ Test Execution issue Key } ] [ @{ Requirement issue Key } ] Feature: [{ Requirement Issue Summary }] [{ Requirement Issue Description }] [Background: { Pre-Conditions }] [# { Test Issue Description }] @{ Test Issue Key } [@{ SubRequirement Issue Key 1 } ... @{ SubRequirement Issue Key N }] [@{ Test Set Issue Key 1 } ... @{ Test Set Issue Key N }] [@{ Test Issue Label 1 } ... @{ Test Issue Label N}] Scenario [Outline]: { Test Issue Summary } {Test Issue Steps} ... |
Feature File Naming Convention
<sequential_id_one_based>[_<issue_requirement_key>][_<issue_precondition_key>] |
Exporting a Test Execution with the following Tests:
Key | Requirement | Pre-Condition |
T1 | R1 | C1 |
T2 | R1 | - |
T3 | - | C2 |
T4 | R2 | C1 |
T5 | R2 | C3 |
T6 | - | - |
T7 | R2, R3 | C1 |
T8 | R2, R3 | - |
T9 | - | C2 |
T10 | R1 | C1 |
generates the following 9 feature files:
File | Requirements | Pre-Condition | Tests | Filename |
1 | R1 | C1 | T1, T10 | 1_R1_C1.feature |
2 | R1 | - | T2 | 2_R1.feature |
3 | R2 | C1 | T4, T7 | 3_R2_C1.feature |
4 | R2 | C3 | T5 | 4_R2_C3.feature |
5 | R2 | - | T8 | 5_R2.feature |
6 | R3 | - | T8 | 6_R3.feature |
7 | R3 | C1 | T7 | 7_R3_C1.feature |
8 | - | C2 | T3, T9 | 8_C2.feature |
9 | - | - | T6 | 9.feature |