Bulk Clone allows easy cloning and moving of Jira issues, in bulk, giving you the ability to have control over the cloning process.

Since Xray uses JIRA issue types as abstraction of most of its entities, then you can clone them one-by-one using Jira's built-in cloning feature or by using Bulk Clone in case you want to do it un bulk

Features and Limitations

  • clone Tests and its specification (e.g. steps, scenario/background, generic definition and step attachments)
  • ability to add the cloned Test to the same folder in the destination Test Repository
  • doesn't clone related Pre-Condition(s)
  • clone Pre-Conditions
  • ability to recreate, or not, the relation to the related Tests
  • doesn't clone related Tests
Test Sets
  • clone Test Sets
  • ability to recreate, or not, the relation to the related Tests
  • doesn't clone related Tests
Test Plans
  • clone Test Plans, including the Board (folder organization) information
  • ability to recreate, or not, the relation to the related Tests
  • doesn't clone related Test Executions (and implicitly, nor related Test Runs)
Test Executions
  • clone Test Executions
  • ability to recreate, or not, the relation to the related Tests
  • doesn't clone Test Runs

Use cases

  • Clone all Tests from one folder in the Test Repository to another project, where the Tests need to be adapted accordingly afterwards
  • Clone a bunch of Test Executions to be used for another context (e.g. version / sprint) 
  • Clone some Tests and adapt them for a similar yet different purpose


Cloning a Test

If you want to copy the relation between the Tests and Pre-Conditions, Test Sets and/or Test Plans, so that the clone Test is also related to them, then you need to choose the respective custom fields as one of the fields to "edit" during the process. You will need to mark the "Keep" checkbox after the field.

The relevant custom fields are:

  • Pre-Condition association with a Test
  • Test Sets association with a Test
  • Test Plans associated with a Test

Note: you may also eventually want to copy issue links between the Test and other entities. However, if the Test is not aimed to be linked to the requirement then please uncheck the option to clone issue links.

Please note

If you clone Tests, without editing the custom fields during the process, then they will be created having also the same relations to other entities including Pre-Conditions, Test Sets and Test Plans (i.e. they will contain the same list of Tests). The related entities won't be cloned though.

Cloning a Pre-Condition

Please note

If you clone Pre-Conditions, without editing the custom fields during the process, then they will be created having also the same relations to the Tests (i.e. they will contain the same list of Tests). The related Tests won't be cloned though.

Cloning a Test Set

If you want to copy the relation between the Tests and the Test Set, so that the clone Test Set contains the same list of Tests, then you need to choose "Test association with a Test Set" as one of the fields to "edit" during the process. You will need to mark the "Keep" checkbox after the field, so the list of Tests is copied into the destination issue.

Please note

If you clone Test Sets, without editing the custom fields during the process, then they will be created having also the same relations to the Tests (i.e. they will contain the same list of Tests). The related Tests won't be cloned though.

Cloning a Test Execution

If you want to copy the relation between the Tests and the Test Execution, so that the clone Test Execution contains the same list of Tests, then you need to choose "Test association with a Test Execution" as one of the fields to "edit" during the process. You will need to mark the "Keep" checkbox after the field, so the list of Tests is copied into the destination issue. The same applies to the relation to the Test Plan, which can also be maintained or not, through the custom field "Test Plan".

Please note

If you clone Test Executions, without editing the custom fields during the process, then they will be created having also the same relations to the Tests (i.e. they will contain the same list of Tests) and to related Test Plan(s). The related Tests won't be cloned though.

Cloning a Test Plan

If you want to copy the relation between the Tests and the Test Plan, so that the clone Test Plan contains the same list of Tests, then you need to choose "Test associated with a Test Plan" as one of the fields to "edit" during the process. You will need to mark the "Keep" checkbox after the field, so the list of Tests is copied into the destination issue. Niether the relation to Test Executions nor the related Test Executions themselves can be cloned.

Please note

If you clone Test Plans, without editing the custom fields during the process, then they will be created having also the same relations to the Tests (i.e. they will contain the same list of Tests). The related Tests won't be cloned though, neither the related Test Executions.


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