Most of the following reports are made using the "Filter Results" Jira gadget, which returns issues in a table layout.
The Pie Chart and the Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics are also two interesting gadgets that may be used for building reports.
Regardless of the gadget you use, the important aspect is to filter the relevant issues. This may be obtained using JQL (see Enhanced querying with JQL).
There is a special note regarding custom fields (e.g., "TestRunStatus", "Test Set Status") that depend on the Xray's configuration and not the JQL query.
See also
You can also generate reports using the Xporter app detailed in Reports with Xporter.
Sample reports
List of Requirements, with coverage info
Lists requirements with current coverage status based on the most recently executed Test.
Gadget: Filter Results
Sample JQL: List requirements of project "CALC" for version "v3.0".
project = CALC AND issuetype = Story and fixVersion = "v3.0"
Sample JQL: List requirements of project "CALC" of a previous version "v3.0", which are NOK in the newer version "V4.0"
project = CALC AND issuetype = Story and fixVersion = "v3.0" and issue in requirements('NOK', 'CALC', 'V4.0')
List of Tests
Lists tests for a given project version.
Gadget: Filter Results
Sample JQL: List Tests for project "CALC", version "v1.0".
issuetype = 'Test' and issue in testsWithReqVersion('CALC', 'v1.0')
Sample JQL: List Tests for Test Sets, of project "CALC", that have fixVersion "v1.0".
issuetype = 'Test' and issue in testsWithTestSetVersion('CALC', 'v1.0')
If you want to include the Test status, then you just need to add the TestRunStatus column in the gadget's configuration.
List of Test Sets, with status
Lists test sets for a given project version.
Gadget: Filter Results
Sample JQL: All Test Sets of project "CALC"
project = 'CALC' and issuetype = 'Test Set'
Sample JQL: All Test Sets of project "CALC" explicitly marked with fixVersion "1.0"
project = 'CALC' and issuetype = 'Test Set' and fixVersion = 'v1.0'
If you want to include the Test status, then you just need to add the Test Set Status column in the gadget's configuration.
List of Test Executions, with status
Lists Test Executions for a given project version.
Gadget: Filter Results
Sample JQL: All Test Executions of project "CALC" that ran in version "v3.0", build (i.e., Revision) 100.
project = 'CALC' and issuetype = 'Test Execution' and fixVersion = 'v3.0' and Revision ~ 100
Sample JQL: All Test Executions of project "CALC", latest ones executed first.
project = 'CALC' and issuetype = 'Test Execution' ORDER BY created DESC
Additional columns can be appended to this gadget:
- Begin date: the planned begin date for the start of the execution
- End date: the due date for the execution completion
- Test Execution Status: shows the last execution status for all the Test issues in the Test Execution
List of Test Plans, with status
Lists Test Plans, optionally for a given project version.
Gadget: Filter Results
Sample JQL: All Test Executions of project "CALC" that ran in version "v3.0", build (i.e., Revision) 100.
project = 'XRAYF' and issuetype = 'Test Plan'
Tests to be executed by a user
Lists tests to be executed by a specific user.
Gadget used: Filter Results
Sample JQL: List Tests that are yet to be executed (i.e., in TODO status) by user "admin"
issuetype = 'Test' and issue in testExecutionTests('Calculator Test Executions', 'TODO', 'admin')
If you want to include the Test status, then you just need to add the TestRunStatus column in the gadget's configuration.
Test distribution by status
Tests distribution by status (percentage and absolute values).
Gadget: Pie Chart
Statistic Type: "TestRunStatus"
Test distribution by test type
Tests distribution by status (percentage and absolute values).
Gadget: Pie Chart
Statistic Type: "Test Type"
Test distribution by component
Display percentage and absolute number of tests per component.
Gadget: Pie Chart
Statistic Type: Component
Sample JQL: Test distribution based on the component assigned to the Test itself.
project = 'CALC' and issuetype = 'Test'
Test status grouped by assignee
Number of Tests per Test status, based on latest run and grouped by assignee.
Gadget: Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics
Test status grouped per component
Number of Tests per Test status, based on the latest run and grouped by component
Gadget: Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics