This gadget provides a summary of the filtered Test Runs, in chart or table layout, showing the amount of Test Runs per status, grouped by a given Test or Test Run field.
This gadget enables you to see the overall status of a group of scheduled/executed test runs (e.g., from a Test Plan) in order to evaluate the testing effort.
Some possible usage scenarios:
- analyze the Test Runs from a Test Execution
- analyze the Test Runs from all Test Executions belonging to a Test Plan
- depict the testing results for a given component, in the context of a Test Execution or Test Plan
- see how the testing is progressing in terms of scheduled runs, from the Test Run assignee perspective
- see how the testing is progressing in terms of scheduled runs, based on the Test priority
- see how failures, or some other test run statuses, are impacting components
- analyze the Test Runs of a given Test Environment
How to use
Source Test Runs for the chart can be indirectly provided using a saved filter, which may be used in conjunction with Test Run-specific filters:
- Saved filter: a saved filter containing Test Execution issues; This field is mandatory
- Date range: only Test Runs with start date and end date between the selected range will be considered
- Test Run Filters:
- Assignee: assignee of the Test Run
- Status: status of the Test Run
- Priority: priority of the Test associated with the Test Run
- In order to see the relevant Test Runs by filtering Test Execution issues, you may take advantage of existing JQL functions and/or take into account the fields associated with the Test Execution
- Below is an example of filtering by Test Environment:
project = CALC and issuetype = "Test Execution" and "Test Environments" = "Android"
Additional configuration parameters for this gadget include:
- Custom Title: custom title for the gadget, if the appropriate checkbox is enabled; otherwise, a default title is used
- Group By: group the results by the Test Run assignee, Test Run executed by, Test component, Test Key, label or priority.
You can also group by Custom Fields. the supported custom field types are- Date Picker
- Number Field
- Radio Buttons
- Select List (multiple choices)
- Select List (single choice)
- Text Field (single line)
- URL Field
- User Picker (single user)
- Xray's "Test Type"
- Xray's "Cucumber Test Type"
- Refresh Interval: how often the gadget is updated
When viewing the result, you can switch between a bar chart or a table layout.
Note: For improved visualization, charts with above 25 results will be displayed paginated.