December 23rd, 2022

The Xray team is proud to announce the minor release of Xray Cloud 1.1.78-3.005.000. This version features Test Sets and Preconditions management inside the Testing Board.

Release highlights 

Another Testing Board improvement (smile)

In the quest to provide an improved user experience in Xray by abstracting the use of issues directly and having a centralized view for all testing-related activities, we have now included the ability to manage Test Sets and Preconditions inside the Testing Board.


Preconditions can now be organized into the same folders as Tests in the Test Repository.  Precondition issues need to be managed through the Testing Board so that an abstraction so can be provided from working directly with issues and jumping between pages.
Therefore, Preconditions are now part of the Test Repository just as they were Tests. 
Tests and Preconditions must be managed using folders and subfolders on the Test Repository. There won’t be any distinction between Test and Precondition folders. Both entities can coexist in the same folder.
Nevertheless, the user can filter these entities and show only Tests or Only Preconditions.

Several improvement's have been deployed to make issues management even easier within the testing board:

  • Returning back to the Test Plan view focus on the last folder opened/selected;
  • Filters are kept when returning yo Test Plan view;
  • Easy access to a test dataset on the Test Repository cards
  • Issue assignee user icon on the Issue card;
  • Folder breadcrumbs;
  • New actions context menu options;
  • New quick filters for "Only Tests / Only Preconditions";
  • New "Create" button options ("Test" or "Preconditions");
  • Quick create Test and Preconditions buttons below the Test Repository cards on folders view;
  • Action context menus for tests and preconditions when one of those issues are selected;
  • Import Preconditions into folders on the Test Repository using the Test Case Importer (When importing Preconditions using a CSV file, you can map a CSV column into the "Test Repository Folder" for Preconditions.);
  • Backup now also includes preconditions within the folder structure;
  • New options on the actions context menu within the Test Repository;
  • GraphQL has now the ability to manage Preconditions on the Test Repository

Test Sets

In order to manage Test Set and the Tests contained in them, you can access them through the Test Repository. You now have quick vertical tabs on the left to enable to quickly jump between "Folders" and "Test Sets"

The Test Sets sub-view consists of a master-detail view where the master view will display all Test Sets present in the project, and the detail view will provide all Tests associated with the selected Test Set.

The most common options have been added to enable the user to quickly manage Test Sets:

  • Test Sets filters;
  • Test Sets Ordering;
  • Tests filtering;
  • Add new Test, Existing Tests;
  • New Action context menus;
  • Remove Test from Test Set;
  • Test creation notification to quickly jump into the newly created issue within the Testing Board:
  • Change Test rank by drag & drop Tests within a Test Set;

Find out more about Test Repository new features here.

Just one last, yet important, thing...

Documentation is always important and sometimes you may miss it. We added a set of relevant articles to our already extensive documentation. Check them out and let us know your feedback (smile) 

In this release, we also have created a new section in Tutorials, Tips, and Tricks dedicated to Document Generator and Xporter that we aim to further improve in the future. Additionally, we reviewed some existing templates, updated, and evolved them; besides, we also created some documentation pages detailing the purpose of each of these new templates, along with the description of all fields and sections that appear on the template.

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