
This report lists some details of the selected Test Executions in Xray, enabling them to be extracted in an Excel format. With this ability to extract the report you can use it for the analysis of trends and current testing status, or process this information to generate some metrics, for example, or even share it with someone else who still needs access to Jira.

Possible usage scenarios:

  • see all the Test Run statuses count for a given Test Execution
  • see the linked Test Plans and Defects
  • track the Test Executions that are taking the most time

Output Example(s)

The following table shows an example of the columns/rows you should expect.

How to use

This report can be generated from different places/contexts, including:

  • Issue view screen
  • Issue search page (main search page or as a bulk operation)

Learn more

General information about all the existing places available to export from and how to perform it is available on the Exporting page.

Source data

This report is applicable to:

  • 1 or more Test Execution issues

Output format

The standard output format is .XLSX so you can open it in Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and other tools compatible with this format. From those tools, you can generate a .CSV file.

Report assumptions

The template has a set of assumptions that you have to make sure your Jira/Xray environment complies with:

  1. Issue types having the name: "Test Execution".

If any of these assumptions is not met, you need to update the template or the environment accordingly.

Usage examples

Export Test Executions of your project

  1. from the Issue Navigator/Search, search by the issueType (i.e., "Test Execution") from your project (e.g., "EWB") and then use bulk export or Apps→Document Generator

example of JQL expression to use
project = "EWB" and issuetype = "Test Execution" order BY created DESC

Export Test Executions associated with a given fix version

  1. from the Issue Navigator/Search, search by the release (i.e., "fixVersion") of your project (e.g., "EWB") and then use bulk export or Apps->Document Generator

example of JQL expression to use
project = "EWB" and issuetype = "Test Execution" and fixVersion = 1.2 order BY created DESC

Export Test Executions obtained on a given Test Environment

  1. from the Issue Navigator/Search, search by Test Executions assigned to that Test Environment  (e.g., "chrome") and then use bulk export or Apps->Document Generator

example of JQL expression to use
project = "EWB" and issuetype = "Test Execution" and testEnvironments = chrome order BY created DESC

Export Test Execution from its detailed view

  1. open the Test Execution issue and export it using this template

Understanding the report

The report shows information about the Test Executions in a list form.


The report is composed of one sheet with the information on the "Test Executions".

By default, and to avoid overload/redundancy of information, only the "Test Executions" are rendered; all the other types will not be parsed.

"Test Executions" sheet

This sheet will present a line per each Test Execution.



Issue key of the Test Execution
SummarySummary of the Test Execution
Fix versions

Fix version(s) defined in the Test Execution


Revision defined in the Test Execution

Begin Date

Timestamp of when the Test Execution started, in the format "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"

End Date

Timestamp of when the Test Execution  ended, in the format "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"

Test Environment

Test Environment(s) defined in the Test Execution

Test Plan

Test Plan(s) linked to the Test Execution


Defects linked to the Test Execution (at either the test run or the test step level)

Elapsed Time

Sum of elapsed time of all associated test runs in HH:MM:SS format. Please note that it will output "00:00:00" when there are no tests associated with the execution (or your executions are really fast) and " " when there are tests in progress (i.e. "Executing" or "To Do" status).

#Test Runs

Number of test runs that are part of the Test Execution.


Number of runs in the passed status.

Passed (%)

Percentage of runs in the passed status.


Number of runs in the failed status.

Failed (%)

Percentage of runs in the failed status.


Number of runs in the executing status.

Executing (%)

Percentage of runs in the executing status.

To do

Number of runs in the to do status.

To do (%)

Percentage of runs in the to do status.


Number of runs in the aborted status.

Aborted (%)

Percentage of runs in the aborted status.

Customizing the report

The common customization actions are:

  • adding/removing columns
  • changing the level of detail in the columns

Exercise 1: add a field from the related Test Execution issue 

Let's say we have a "Description" field on the Test Execution issue that we want to show on the report.

We can copy the column "Summary" and adapt it.

  1. Copy the "Summary" column 
  2. Insert the copied content in a column next to the “Fix Versions”
    1. Change the header of the column to be “Description”
    2. Change the cell content from ${Summary} to ${Description}
    3. Save the template and upload it

As this report is column-based, if some columns are not relevant to you, you should be able to delete them. Make sure that no temporary variables are created in the cells of those columns that are used in other subsequent columns.

Exercise 2: add more details to the Test Plan column

Let's say you want to see not only the Test Plan Key, but also the Test Plan Summary, and make it a hyperlink while you are at it.

  1. Navigate to the "Test Plan" column 
  2. Edit the statement within the # - # loop


#{for testPlans}


#{for testPlans}
@{title=${TestPlans[n].Key} - ${TestPlans[n].Summary}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${TestPlans[n].Key}} 

You can apply similar changes to the Defects column by editing the following statements:

  • ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefects[d].Key}  (line 6)
  • ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[it].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key} (line 22)

Keep in mind that only 1 hyperlink will be active per Excel cell (the one associated with the first line item).

You can find more useful snippets in this tutorial for Document Generator.


Performance can be impacted by the information that is rendered and by how that information is collected/processed.

The number of Test Executions and Test Runs, depending on scenarios, can be considerably high, especially with CI/CD. As this report sums up quite a lot of information, please use it wisely.

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