October 17th, 2023 

The Xray team is proud to announce the release of Xray Cloud v1.1.89-4.003.000

We are excited to announce a new feature in our latest release: Dynamic Test Plans. This feature allows you to create a Test Plan based on a saved filter, instead of manually selecting the Tests you want to include. With Dynamic Test Plans, you can ensure that your Test Plan always reflects the latest Tests that match your filter criteria. This is especially useful if you have a large number of Tests or if you frequently update them. Dynamic Test Plans make it easier to manage and execute your testing process.

Release highlights

Dynamic Test Plans

This highly requested Xray Enterprise feature allows users to create and keep their test plans updated seamlessly.

Configure Test Plan with Saved Filter

One of the features of a Test Plan is that it allows you to add tests in different ways. In addition to being able to add tests to the Test Plan explicitly, you can now use a filter and define a custom JQL depending on your needs so that tests will appear automatically on the Test Plan.
A filter is a predefined set of criteria that selects tests based on certain attributes, such as status, priority, assignee, or label. A custom JQL query language lets you write more complex and flexible conditions to select tests based on any field or property. Using a filter or a custom JQL saves time and effort in adding tests to the Test Plan and ensures that your Test Plan is always up-to-date with the latest changes in your test cases.

Learn more here.

Just one last, yet important, thing...

Documentation is always important, and sometimes you may miss it.

We included further tutorials to show how to migrate from other test management tools, to foster adoption of Xray in your teams. Lastly, we consolidated helpful tips for facilitating compliance with our suite of tools using an e-commerce platform as an exercise to talk about standards, guidelines, key risks, and mitigations strategies. 

Here's a summary of all the relevant articles that we've added and updated recently:

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