October 2, 2021 

The Xray team is proud to announce the release of Xray Cloud 1.1.61-2.002.000. This version's major features include improvements to the Test Case Importer, an extension for JUnit, and the ability to link tests with requirements via the Xray issue picker dialog.

Release highlights 

Test case importer improvements (smile)

Issue Updates (tests, test sets, preconditions)

It is now possible to update existing issues such as tests, test sets, and preconditions by using the Test Case Importer.

In the CSV file, you must add a new column to identify the issue by key and then map it to the Issue Key field in the Test Case Importer.

Import Preconditions along with tests

Associating tests with preconditions within the same CSV file can be achieved automatically as Xray will create the issues and link the tests with the preconditions specified in the Preconditions column.

You can also associate the tests that are being imported with existing precondition issues in Jira by including the issue keys in the Preconditions column.

Find out more about this feature here.

JUnit extension 

We have created an extension for JUnit in order to provide much-needed information to Xray when importing execution results such as:

  • tracking start and end date timestamps for each test
  • linking a test method to an existing Test issue or use auto-provisioning
  • covering a "requirement" (i.e. an issue in Jira) from a test method
  • specifying additional fields for the auto-provisioned Test issues (e.g. summary, description, labels)
  • attaching screenshots or any other file as evidence to the Test Run, right from within the test method
  • adding comments on the Test Run, right from within the test method
  • setting the values for Test Run custom fields, right from within the test method

You can find the extension in our GitHub page with instructions on how to install and use it.

Learn more here.

Link tests with requirements using the Xray issue picker dialog

As of now, you can use the Xray issue picker dialog to associate requirement issues with tests or test sets. 

The Test Coverage web panel present in requirement issues now features a new "Add Tests" button where you can create new tests or add existing tests/test sets to the issue. When adding existing tests/test sets, you can use the Xray issue picker dialog to select tests from your recent history or search tests using predefined filters or JQL.

Learn more about this feature here.

And much more...


  • XRAYCLOUD-4139: As a REST API user, I can export the dataset associated with a test in a given context


  • XRAYCLOUD-3476: As a user, I can filter issues in the reports by the Sprint name


  • XRAYCLOUD-3800: When creating a Sub-Defect from the Execution Details Window, Xray should support Required Fields


  • XRAYCLOUD-3699: As a user, I want to see the Test Repository Path on the Execution Details page
  • XRAYCLOUD-3308: When moving Tests between projects, the values of the Test Step custom fields should be kept

Just one last, yet important, thing...

Documentation is always very helpful and sometimes you might miss new articles.
We've added these sections to our extensive wiki, feel free to take a look at them:

Features and Bug Fixes in this release


Key Summary T Created P Status Resolution

  • No labels