21 October 2019

The Xray team announces the bug fix release of Xray for Jira Jenkins Plugin v2.1.1.

Download it here.

Highlights for this release

Release into the Jenkins Plugin store

The plugin can now be obtained in the official Jenkins Plugin Store. And it's also open sourced in GitHub.

Security Improvements

Xray connector it's now totally integrated with Jenkins Credentials Plugin, that now handles your Jira credentials.

Proxy Integration

You now can use our Jenkins Connector, while using a Proxy Server.

New result format supported

Xray Multipart formats can now be imported into both Xray Server/Data Center and Xray Cloud

Improved Glob Expressions support

Glob Expression can be used in all file paths, including multipart endpoints

Upgrading from version below 2.1.1

  1. Uninstall the old version of the plugin (xray-for-jira-connector)
  2. Go to the Xray configuration section and re-write your instances credentials
  3. Re-save (you don't need to change any data) any Project/Job that is using Xray steps.

New Features and Bug Fixes in this release

Key Summary T Created P Status Resolution

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