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In this tutorial, we will create some tests in Cucumber for Perl.

In this case, the test (specification) is initially created in JIRA as a Cucumber Test and afterwards is exported using the UI or the REST API.



We will use the code from the  Github repository "test-bdd-cucumber-perl", with some slight changes.


So the first step is to create two Cucumber Tests, one "Scenario" and one "Scenario Outline", in JIRA. The specification would be similar to the calculator example provided in the Github repository.

After we create the Tests in JIRA, and associate it with requirements, etc, you can export the specification of the test to a Cucumber .feature file (e.g. by REST API or by the UI action "Export to Cucumber" from within the Test Execution issue).

The created file will be similar to the original one but will contain the references to the Test issue key and the covered requirement issue key.


Based on the provided code, we'll create a simple feature file as follows. Note that we have introduced a bug on purpose in the Scenario Outline specification (i.e. "6/3=3").

Feature: Basic Calculator Functions
  In order to check I've written the Calculator class correctly
  As a developer I want to check some basic operations
  So that I can have confidence in my Calculator class.

  @CALC-885 @CALC-886
  Scenario: First Key Press on the Display
    Given a new Calculator object
    And having pressed 1
    Then the display should show 1

  @CALC-886 @CALC-887
  Scenario Outline: Basic arithmetic
    Given a new Calculator object
    And having keyed <first>
    And having keyed <operator>
    And having keyed <second>
    And having pressed =
    Then the display should show <result>
      | first | operator | second | result |
      | 5.0   | +        | 5.0    | 10     |
      | 6     | /        | 3      | 3      |
      | 10    | *        | 7.550  | 75.5   |
      | 3     | -        | 10     | -7     |


Please check if the Scenario Outline is specified using the "Scenario Outline" keywords.

The steps are implemented in Perl code.

package    # hide from PAUSE indexer
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose;
has 'left'     => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default => 0 );
has 'right'    => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => '' );
has 'operator' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => '+' );
has 'display' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => '0' );
has 'equals'  => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => '' );
sub key_in {
    my ( $self, $seq ) = @_;
    my @possible = grep { /\S/ } split( //, $seq );
    $self->press($_) for @possible;
sub press {
    my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
    # Numbers
    $self->digit($1) if $key =~ m/^([\d\.])$/;
    # Operators
    $self->key_operator($1) if $key =~ m/^([\+\-\/\*])$/;
    # Equals
    $self->equalsign if $key eq '=';
    # Clear
    $self->clear if $key eq 'C';
sub clear {
    my $self = shift;
sub equalsign {
    my $self = shift;
    my $result = $self->left;
sub digit {
    my ( $self, $digit ) = @_;
    # Deal with decimal weirdness
    if ( $digit eq '.' ) {
        return if $self->right =~ m/\./;
        $digit = '0.' unless length( $self->right );
    $self->right( $self->right . $digit );
    $self->display( $self->right );
sub key_operator {
    my ( $self, $operator ) = @_;
    my $cmd =
      . $self->operator
      . (
        length( $self->right )
        ? $self->right
        : ( length( $self->equals ) ? $self->equals : '0' )
    $self->left( ( eval $cmd ) + 0 );
    $self->display( $self->left );



After running the tests (see bellow) and generating the Cucumber JSON  report (e.g. data.json), it can be imported to Xray (either by the REST API or through "Import Execution Results" action within the Test Execution).

pherkin -I lib -o JSON features/basic_functions.feature > data.json



The execution screen details will provide information of the test run result. 

The Cucumber Scenarios Example/Result details(Hooks, Backgrounds and Steps), are only available for executions made with Xray v2.2.0 and above.


For Cucumber Scenario Test...

For Cucumber Scenario Outline Test...


The icon represents the evidences ("embeddings") for each (Hooks, Backgrounds and Steps) , but are only available for executions made with Xray v2.3.0 and above.

Learn more

Please see Testing with Cucumber for a high-level overview on how to use Cucumber Tests with Xray.




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