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You can manage (i.e., create, update, delete) Test Sets directly through the Jira's native REST API.

The Xray REST API provides the following endpoints.

Test Set Tests

  • To view the Test associated with a Test Set, you need to specify the key of the Test Set you wish to view.
  • To associate or remove a Test from a Test Set, you need to send a JSON with a list of the keys. When associating, these keys can be Test keys or Test Set keys; when removing, they can only be Test keys.
  • To remove a Test from a Test Set, you need to specify the key of the Test you wish to remove. It is also possible to remove all Tests from the Test Set. 

Return a json with a list of the test associated with the test set.



- key of the test set.

Example Request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET -u admin:admin http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/api/testset/TEST-123/test


200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Return a json.

The "rank" and "key" will clearly identify the Test and its order within the Test Set. Note that the output may currently return other fields, which may only be available in a explicitly detailed request in a future release.

Example Output
      "self": "http://jiraserver/rest/api/2/issue/10401"
      "self": "http://jiraserver/rest/api/2/issue/10402"
      "self": "http://jiraserver/rest/api/2/issue/10403"

400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.

401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray for JIRA license is not valid.

500  INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred getting the tests.

Associate tests with the test set. Return error messages, if there are any.



- key of the test set.

Example Input
	"add": [
	"remove": [

Example Request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u admin:admin --data @example.json http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/api/testset/TEST-123/test


200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns error messages if there are any.

Example Output
["Test with key CALC-29 is already associated with this Test Set."]

400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.

401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray for JIRA license is not valid.

500  INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred associating the tests.

Remove test from the test set.



- key of the test set.

testKeyString- key of the test.

Example Request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -u admin:admin http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/api/testset/TEST-123/test/TEST-321

200 OK : text/plain : Successful.

400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.

401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray for JIRA license is not valid.

500  INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred removing the test.

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