9 October 2020

The Xray team is proud to announce the release of Xray 4.2.0.

This version features support for xUnit XML reports, updating existing Test cases using the Test Case Importer, configuring the columns on the Test Runs List gadget, Document Generator improvements, and performance improvements when executing manual tests with lots of steps.

Discover the new features below. (smile)

Upgrade Notes

Upgrading Xray to 4.2.x

If you are upgrading from a version lower than 3.2, this implies that an upgrade task will run to pre-calculate historical data. This is a one-time action that will run in the background so that Xray is still available during the upgrade. A  re-index operation of your Jira instance is required so that the internal data becomes searchable and usable by Xray.

Please be aware that this upgrade task will run immediately after updating Xray. As this operation can take some time and use a considerable amount of server resources, we suggest scheduling the upgrade of Xray outside of business hours. It is always possible to cancel the recalculation operation in the Xray configuration section → Custom Fields → Maintenance.

If you are upgrading from v3.2.x or v3.3.x to v4.2, you must recalculate data in the Xray configuration section → Custom Fields. This recalculation is necessary because of the huge improvement in the amount of data that Xray needs to add to the table and to the Lucene indexes.

As this operation can take some time and use a considerable amount of server resources, we suggest scheduling the upgrade of Xray and the recalculation of the custom fields, outside of business hours.

Downgrading from Xray 4.2.x

The Test Step Custom Fields and Test Run Custom Fields of type User Picker will have to be deleted in the project configuration as they are not supported. Following that, the Test Runs that are using a User Picker field will have to be merged or reset. This includes Test Runs that have the field for the Test Run itself and also Test Runs for Manual Tests where the Test Steps contained the User Picker field.

Downgrading from Xray 4.x to a version less than 3.2.0 implies that you must perform a re-index afterward. This is because from Xray 3.2.0 onwards, the content and format of what Xray indexes have changed.

Historical Coverage Gadget

Some configuration parameters for this gadget were modified as a result of supporting multiple projects whenever using a saved filter as a source. It is possible that some users will get errors on the gadget after downgrading from 4.x. If this happens, please edit the configuration to ensure the gadget is configured properly. 

Release highlights 

Updating Issues using the Test Case Importer (smile)

Starting from this version, it is now possible to update existing Tests when importing Test cases from CSV fields.

You just need to map the Issue Key field, with a key column in the CSV file and Xray will update the existing Test cases in Jira instead of creating new Test issues.

When updating Test Cases:

  • Manual Test Steps will be overwritten with the new Step specification as declared in the CSV file (including any Step Step custom fields)
  • All other issue fields (Native and Custom Fields), will be updated according to the same rules of the  Jira's native CSV importer.

Learn more about this feature here.

Configurable Test Runs List Gadget Columns

You are now able to configure the columns on the Test Runs List Gadget. You can add additional columns as well as remove any existing "default" columns.

The available fields are:

  • All Navigable Test issue fields (eg. Summary, Key, Component, Priority, etc.)
  • Test Execution Fields
    • Key
    • Fix Version
    • Revision
    • Test Environments
  • Dedicated Test Run Fields
    • Assignee
    • Executed By
    • Comment
    • Start Date
    • Finish Date
  • Test Run Custom Fields

Learn more here.

Support for xUnit test results

xUnit.net is a technology for unit and integration testing C#, F#, VB.NET, and other .NET languages. xUnit.net works with ReSharper, CodeRush, TestDriven.NET, and Xamarin. It is part of the  .NET Foundation.

Xray now supports xUnit execution results. You can send directly the XML report generated by xUnit into Xray, either using the  REST API  or the user interface.

Learn more here.

Document Generator Improvements

You can now export Tests from within the Test Repository or the  Test Plan board using the Document Generator.

Context actions are provided on the folders and in bulk selections so that you can easily select and export the Tests you need.

When configuring templates, you also select the target  Xray entities as well as the scopes/screens where these templates can be used. 

Document Generator now supports Test Run activity logs.

Jira administrators can also enable/disable the Document Generator feature.

Find out more about this feature here.

Performance Improvements

As part of our effort for continuous performance improvements, we have boosted the execution page load times, especially for manual Tests with more than 100 steps. These performance improvements can reach 80%.

Improving performance is an ongoing effort for us, so you can expect additional enhancements to come ahead.

Please take a look at the resources, Usage tips to improve performance, containing setup, and "best practices" for optimizing Xray performance. 

And more...

Test Step/Test Run Custom Fields

  • XRAY-6332: Jira admins must be able to configure if project admins can configure Test Step and Test Run custom fields in Xray
  • XRAY-5796: Xray must support the user picker field types for Test Step custom fields

User Interface

  • XRAY-5990: Use folder picker to edit test repository path custom field
  • XRAY-4777: The Test execution "Last updated time" should be updated whenever tests/test steps are executed
  • XRAY-2242: Ad-hoc Test Execution should contain not only the issue key but also the summary of the Test issue

Reports and Gadgets

  • XRAY-4442: As a user, I can filter Test Runs on the Test Runs List gadget/report by currently logged in user


  • XRAY-6152: As a user, I can search for Manual Test Steps text using JQL
  • XRAY-3734: The JQLs testsWithNoTestSet and testsWithoutTestExecution should take a filter as an argument
  • XRAY-4719: The JQL manualTestsWithoutSteps() should take a filter as an argument


  • XRAY-5627: As a REST API user, I can set Test Run custom field values when importing execution results using the Xray JSON format

Just one more, yet important, thing...

Documentation is always important and sometimes you may miss it. We added a set of relevant articles to our already extensive documentation.

In this release, you may find new articles to help you take advantage of xUnit XML reports. We also created a section for API testing and included a tutorial for Postman.

Here's a sum-up of all the relevant articles that we've added:

All New Features and Bug Fixes in this release


Key Summary T Created P Status Resolution

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