Automatic Installation

Installing Xray is easy:

       1. Go to Apps in your Settings menu on the top right of the screen.


       2. Go to Find new Apps and search for Xray:


       3. Congratulations, your installation is done! Please have a look at the Quick Setup instructions to move on and enjoy. (smile)

       If you're using the old UI:

  1. Go into the Administration section of Jira by choosing Settings -> Add-ons -> Find new add-ons.

  2. Search for Xray and click Install.

  3. Congratulations, your installation is done! Please have a look at the Quick Setup instructions to move on and enjoy. (smile)

Token Based Installation

If you are provided a token by Xblend, please perform the following steps in order to do an Xray token based installation:

  1. Make sure you have a project. If you're creating a new Jira Cloud instance, you may do it right-away during that process
  2. Go to Settings -> Apps in the top left of the screen and then to Manage Apps in the menu to the right.

  3. Click on Settings and enable the "Enable private listings" option:
  4. Select option Upload Add-on and enter the URL provided to you by the Xray team:

  5. After the Xray app is installed, the token must be configured automatically when you expand the Xray add-on:

  6. Enjoy! (smile)

      And if you're using the old Jira UI:

  1. Make sure you have a project. If you're creating a new Jira Cloud instance, you may do it right-away during that process
  2. Go into the Administration section of JIRA by choosing Settings -> Add-ons -> Manage Add-ons:


  3. Click on Settings and enable the "Enable private listings" option:


  4. Select option Upload add-on and enter the URL provided to you by the Xray team:

  5. After the Xray app is installed, the token must be configured automatically when you expand the Xray add-on:

  6. Enjoy! (smile)

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