October 1st, 2022

The Xray team is proud to announce the minor release of Xray Cloud 1.1.74-3.003.000. This version features Test Plans and Test Executions management inside the Testing Board.

Release highlights 

A new Testing Board experience (smile)

In the quest to provide an improved user experience in Xray by abstracting the use of issues directly and having a centralized view for all testing-related activities, we have now included the ability to manage Test Plans and Test Executions inside the Testing Board.

Test Plans

There are two views that will help you manage Test Plans.

Within the Test Plans view, you can find a list of the Test Plans in the current project along with their progress status. You can easily filter the Test Plan issues using a basic search or JQL. The filters will be restored whenever you enter this view again so you can continue where you left off. It is also possible to sort this list by any (applicable) Jira field.

You can also create, export (to CSV and Document Generator), and delete Test Plan issues from this view. Some actions are provided using a context menu on the issue cards.

When you click on a given Test Plan issue, the Test Plan view is displayed. This view already existed before, but it has been revamped in this version. Some new functionality was added:

  • whenever returning to this view, the last filters are applied
  • there is a new fields section containing the most prominent Test Plan fields for a quick glance
  • a new button to create a new Test Execution from the Test Plan
  • edit/override a Test dataset in the context of a Test Plan
  • navigate to the list of Test Execution issues of the Test Plan
  • generating cucumber feature files for all Gherkin Tests associated with the Test Plan

Test Executions

For Test Executions, you can basically find the same two views as Test Plans.

The Test Executions view displays a list of Test Execution issues in the current project along with their status bar. You can easily filter the Test Execution issues using a basic search or JQL. The filters will be restored whenever you enter this view again so you can continue where you left off. It is also possible to sort this list by any (applicable) Jira field.

You can also create, export (to CSV and Document Generator), and delete Test Execution issues from this view. Some actions are provided using a context menu on the issue cards.

In the same way, when you click on a given Test Execution issue, the Test Execution view is displayed. This view effectively provides the same functionality as the issue view as you can:

  • view the status bar of the Test Execution
  • view and inline edit the most prominent Test Execution fields with a new Fields section
  • manage the Tests of the Test Execution by adding existing Tests, creating new Tests, removing Tests, and ranking the Tests within the Test Execution
  • assign Test Runs
  • execute tests inline or navigate into the Execution View (previously the execution page and is now part of the Testing Board)
  • filter the Test Runs (filters will be restored whenever you enter this view again)
  • etc

There is more to come... we have already started working on including Preconditions and Test Sets on the Testing Board as well. Stay tuned!

Find out more about this feature here and here.

Just one last, yet important, thing...

Documentation is always important and sometimes you may miss it. We added a set of relevant articles to our already extensive documentation. Check them out and let us know your feedback (smile) 

In this release, we also have created a new section dedicated to accessibility testing that we aim to further improve in the future.

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