March 9, 2020

The Xray team is proud to announce the release of Xray Cloud 1.1.41-1.010.000. This version features a revamp of the manual steps UI and the ability to configure new Test Step Custom Fields per project. Also, there is a new field for "Actual Results" when executing Test Steps.

Release highlights 

Revamped Test Steps UI (smile)

The Test Steps UI has been redesigned aiming to provide a better user experience when creating, editing and viewing manual Test Steps. 

Besides all the visual changes, you can now:

  • Use the Jira WYSIWYG markdown editor and toolbar to define steps.
  • Choose between two view modes: Grid or List.
  • Expand and collapse steps.
  • Create a new step in any position.
  • Edit all steps in a dialog taking advantage of the additional screen real-estate for managing Test Steps.

Learn more about this revamp of the Test Steps UI here.

Test Step Custom Fields

Besides the revamp of the manual steps UI, Xray now features the ability to configure additional fields/columns for Test Step fields. It is also possible to hide/disable the native Xray fields for "Data" and "Expected Result." This way you can fully customize the columns for your manual Test Steps hiding native fields, and providing new fields.

Test Step custom fields can be text fields of course, but additional types are also available: Toggle Switch, Date Picker, Date Time Picker, Number, Radio Buttons, Select List, Select List (Multiple), Text (Multi-line), Text (Single Line), User.

It is also possible to configure mandatory fields, meaning users will not be able to create or edit a Test Step if any of the mandatory fields are not populated. 

Test Step custom fields can be configured at the project level, hence, these settings will not affect other Test projects within your Jira instance.

The GraphQL API and Test Case Importer are also ready for Test Step custom fields.

Learn more about this feature here.

New "Actual Results" Field on Test Steps

You can now set the "Actual Results" when executing Test Steps.

This field features a WYSIWYG markdown editor. You can attach an image or screenshot and reference attachments/images from the evidence available on the Test Run using markdown notation.

Learn more about this feature here.

And more...


  • XRAYCLOUD-1399: REST API must return the "retry-after" header when requests are rejected

Test Case Importer

  • XRAYCLOUD-1352: Test Case Importer should be able to create tests linked to several issues

Unstructured Tests

  • XRAYCLOUD-1619Generic Test definition must support the Jira WYSIWYG editor

Features and Bug Fixes in this release