This page describes the migration path you can follow to migrate Xray data from Jira Server/Data Center to Jira Cloud. If you have any questions about which approach best suits your organization, please contact our support team directly.

Before migrating from Xray Server/DC to Cloud be sure you've completed the steps recommended at "Steps to a successful migration"

  • Have a valid License for Xray
  • Issue Types names are the same both on Server and Cloud
  • Requirement ↔ Test Link must match both on Server and Cloud

  • Xray Custom Fields must be visible on Test Execution Issue Screens Scheme
  • Grant access "any logging user" even if you are using Issue Security Screen Schemes
  • Run the pre-flight checks

Learn more at "Steps to a successful migration".

Server/DC vs Cloud - Product Comparison

If you are looking to migrate from Jira Server/DC to Jira Cloud, you need to consider the differences between Xray Server/DC and Xray Cloud. These differences might affect how your users work and interact with Xray.

The ideas, goals, and major features are the same. However, while there is great similarity between them, there are a few subtle differences between the two versions. This is mainly due to:

For a full comparison between the Server/DC and Cloud versions of Xray, please refer to Xray Server and Xray Cloud.

Jira Cloud Migration Assistant

Atlassian provides the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant to help Jira users assess and migrate from an on-premise Jira instance (Server or Data Center) to Jira Cloud.

Our team has worked with Atlassian to make Xray available within the official Migration Assistant tool and we hope Atlassian will launch this expanded version of the Migration Assistant.

Before going any further, check the official Atlassian documentation and procedure:

Migrating Xray data through Jira Cloud Migration Assistant

Any Xray related projects that are somehow connected, must be migrated together within the same migration, otherwise, any Xray link between the projects will not be present in the cloud after the migration.

E.g., all the Tests in the Test Plans of Project A must be part of the migrated Projects.

Known Limitations

Issue History and Test Run Activity

Due to the textual nature of the data in the activity logs, the entries are mostly copied directly. The language, phrases and markups may differ from server to cloud.

Migration drift not supported

All the linked data must be migrated together so data integrity can be guaranteed on the cloud.

Automated Step Library

Not supported by Xray Cloud and will not be migrated.

Cucumber settings

Will not be migrated to cloud. (Miscellaneous settings section)

Gadget Configuration

Configuration of Xray gadgets will not be migrated.

Archived Issues

Xray data belonging to the archived issues are not migrated.

Document Generator

Templates migrated from the Server must be revised once there are some differences between the server and cloud version.

Steps to a successful migration


A valid Xray app license is required to migrate Xray data, otherwise, Xray data won't be migrated to the cloud.

Edit Issue Type Names

The name of the issue types needs to be the same on both server and cloud before starting the migration.

The Issue Type Precondition/Pre-Condition may have to be changed as it is named differently in the server and cloud versions of Xray.

Edit Requirement ↔ Test Link

The Issue Link used for Requirement Coverage is slightly different between Xray Cloud and Xray Server/DC. To ensure that Xray Cloud will recognise these links, the Issue Link type must be edited on Server/DC to match the link used by Xray Cloud:

This step must be done manually prior to migrating since the Issue Links are migrated by Jira instead of Xray.

The configuration can be found in MY_JIRA_SERVER_URL/secure/admin/ViewLinkTypes!default.jspa

Some Xray custom fields must be visible

Make sure that the following Xray-created custom fields are added to the Test Execution issue screen and are visible to all users in all projects that you are migrating.

Check Issue Security Levels

The Issue Security Scheme may restrict Xray's access to issues during the migration.

If you are using Security Levels for Xray Issues - e.g. Test, Test Set - you'll have to remove the Security Schemes/Levels or, alternatively, grant access to any logged in user for the duration of the migration.

Preflight Checks

These checks are meant to help you plan your migration by taking into consideration Xray related constraints. The checks will let you know if:

If there are any such links, Xray will let you know which projects should be added to the migration to avoid ending up with missing links in the Cloud instance. This check should be done before any migration begins.

The preflight checks are available when the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant is installed and a version of Xray supporting the migration to Cloud is also installed. The page can be found in the Administration → Manage Apps → Xray → Cloud Migration. Here you should add all the projects for your migration and then press Validate. If there are no errors, you can leave this page and proceed with your migration through the Jira Migration Assistant. If there are any errors you can see the details and steps to fix the issues.

Example: Project XT was selected for migration. The preflight checks found that there is a link to another project which is not part of the migration (XDTP).

We'll add the missing project to the preflight checks and validate.

There are no more errors, meaning that these two projects can be migrated together safely. We can now go back to the Jira Migration Assistant and plan our migration with both projects.

The preflight checks feature was created on Xray app to help customers understand what must be migrated based on the project that they want to migrate. The cloud migration assistant will provide this feature in the future and by that time, Xray will move the feature to be fully integrated with the assistant itself. As a consequence of this, the preflight check option will be removed from the Xray administration section menu.

Migrate all users

It is recommended that you select the option "All users and groups from the Jira directory" when choosing which users to migrate in the Jira Migration Assistant. This is due to the way that Jira checks which users are related to a project which will not consider users assigned to Test Runs.

The Migration Process

The Xray migration starts right after the Jira migration. While Xray is migrating projects, the Xray app screens/actions will be disabled until the end of the migration. Those screens will show a warning and an action to allow the user to see the current progress of the migration. This progress shows details about what is being done.

Xray Cloud also provides a page on the app administration section with all the migration plans in progress and done. Here the Jira administrator could see the history of migration and the ongoing migration plans. Learn more about this here.

Unsuccessful Migrations

If the Xray migration is not successful during the Jira cloud migration plan, we highly recommend trying it again. Before trying again, make sure the cloud project is removed. If the issue persists, please contact our support in order to get help.

To learn more about migration from Xray Server to Xray Cloud you might want to take our dedicated course, available for free at Xray Academy: Migration from Xray Server to Xray Cloud